Defend as One

We Defend The Future

We deliver solutions for today’s cyber challenges and prepare you for tomorrow’s unseen risks, building defences that evolve with emerging threats to keep your business secure.

Threat Exposure Assessments, Continuous Threat Management and Cyber Defense solutions

Identify, Protect, Detect & Respond to vulnerabilities, risks and threats in real-time.

Security Assessments

Discover assets and pinpoint vulnerabilities with specialized Threat Exposure Assessments (E)TEM, (I)TEM, (X)TEM, and VAPT services.

Continuous Threat Exposure Management

Managed Detection & Response (MDR | 24/7 SOC), Vulnerability Management, Full time resources and vCISO capabilities to ensure your environment is protected at all times.

Your All-in-One
Cyber Defense Platform

Stay secure with Snode Guardian, an all-in-one Threat Management platform offering monitoring, automation, and advanced features like deception and network isolation.


Keep up to date with latest industry news and innovation from Snode Technologies.

Stephan Krynauw, CTO

Snode business is evolving in the fight against cyber crime.

Nithen Naidoo, Founder, CEO

Cyber security, overcoming fear, South African innovation and entrepreneurship.

Dwain Muller, COO

The concept of Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)

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